Monday 13 October, 2008


What reason weaves, by passion is undone.
One passion expels another.
Where passion rules, how weak does reason prove ?
The natural man has only two primal passion to get and to beget.
Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion.
Chastise your passions, that they may not chastise you.
No one who is a lover of money, of pleasure or of glory, is likewise a lover of mankind Riches are not among the number of things that are good. It is not poverty that causes sorrow, but covetous desires. Deliver yourself from appetite, and you will be free. He who is discontented with things present and allotted, is unskilled in life………………………!


It’s a bad plan that can’t be changed.
You can never plan the future by the past
A good plan may have a good beginning, but not necessarily a good end.
A man who does not think and plan long ahead, will find trouble right at his door.
When schemes are laid in advance, it is surprising how often the circumstances fit in with them.
He who every morning plans the transactions of the day, and follows that plan,carries a thread that will guide him through the labyrinth of the most busy life. The orderly arrangement of his time like a way of light which darts itself through all his occupations. But where no plan is laid, where the disposal of time is surroundered merely to the chance of incidents, all things lie huddled together in one chaos, which admits of neither distribution nor review.

Saturday 11 October, 2008



Money is power.
Money is security.
Money is freedom.
Money is the difference between living on the slope of a volcano and being safe in the garden of hesperides.
Money is the fruit of evil, and as often as the root of it.
A man who both spends and saves money is the happiest man because he both enjoyments.
Love of money is the root of half the evil in the world, lack of money is the root of other half.
Make all you can, save all you can, give all you can.
It is not money, as is sometimes said, but the love of money-excessive, selfish, covetous-love of money, that is the root of all evil.
Money has little value in its possessor, unless it also value to others.
Money is a good servant and a bad master.
A fool and his money are soon parted money is lide manure, of very little us except it be spread.
Ready money is Aladdin’s lamp. When money speaks, the truth is silent.
dally not with MONEY and WOMEN.
If you would know what the Lord God thinks of money, You have only to look at those whom He has given it.
Dishonest money brings grief to all the family, but hating bribes brings happiness.



We are all born for LOVE………It is the principal of existence and its only end.
Love can tell, and Love alone, ------------------ ------------------ How, in spite of woe and death, Gay is life, and sweet is breath.
Love all God’s creation, the whole and every grain of sand in it. Love every leaf, every ray of God’s light. Love the animals, Love the plants, Love everything lies in universe. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all embracing LOVE.
Those who have courage to love, should have courage to suffer.
Love ceases to be a pleasure when it ceases to be a secret.
T O F E A R L O V E I S T O F E A R L I F E , & T H O S E W H O F E A R L I F E A R E A L R E A D Y T H R E E P A S T S D E A D .
All true LOVE is grounded on esteem.
Love is the child of freedom, never that of domination.
There is nothing holier in this life of ours, than the first consciousness of love the first fluttering of its silken wings. Love gives itself, it is not bought.
Of all the qualifications, LOVE is the most important, for if it is strong enough in a man, it forces him to acquire all the rest, and all the rest without it, would never be sufficient.

Love diminishes the delicacy of women, and increases the of men
Love is a beautiful necessity of our nature to love comething
We loved shaped and fashioned by what we love.
T H E H E A R T O F H I M W H O T R U L Y I S A P A R A D I S E , O N E A R T H , H E H A S G O D I N H I M S E L F , F O R G O D I S L O V E .
The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved
If nobody loves you, be sure it is your own fault.
And when love speaks, the voice of all the Gods, make heaven drowsy with the harmony.
True love’s the gift of which God has given to man alone beneath the heaven.
L O V E I S W I S E R T H A N A M B I T I O N .
No cord nor cable can so forcibly draw or hold so fast, as love can do with a twin’d thread.
The reduction of the universe to a single being, the expansioned a single being even to God, THIS IS LOVE.
A man does not learn to understand anything unless he loves it.



Letter-writing : that most delightful way of wasting time.
A short letter to a distant friend is an insult like that of a slight bow on cursory salutation---a proof of unwillingness to do much, even where there is a necessity of doing something.
I have received no more than one or two letters in my life that were worth the postage.
The best time to frame an answer to the letters of a friend is the moment you receive them; then the warmth of friendship and the intelligence received most forcibly cooperate.
Not of the letter, but of the spirit, for the letter killeth, but the spirit giventh life.
It is by the benefit of letters that absent friends, are in a manner brought together.
Letters are those winged messengers that can fly from east to west on embassies of love.
To write a good LOVE-LETTER you ought to begin without knowing what you mean to say, and to finish without knowing what you have written



 Labour conquers everything.
v No race can prosper till it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling the field as in writing a poem.
v Without labour nothing prospers.
v It is only by labour that thought can be made healthy, and only by thought that labour can be made happy, and the two cannot be separated with impunity.
v Honest labour bears a lovely face.
v Nothing is impossible to the man who can will, and then do, this the only law of success.
v Excellence in any department can be attained only by the labour of a life time, it is but to be purchased at a lesser price.
v There is no real wealth



They that approve a private opinion, call it opinion,
but they that dislike it, heresy.
By identifying new learning with heresy,
you make orthodoxy synonymous with ignorance.
Heresy is what the minority believe, it is the name given by
the powerful to the doctrine of the weak.
It is survey harmful to souls to make it a heresy to believe, what is proved.
In the history of the world, the man, who ahead has always been called a heretic.
Heresies are experiments in man’s unsatisfied search for truth.
All the worldly wisdom was once the unamiable heresy of some wise man.



Love is only chatter.
Friends are all that matter………..!
Without friends no one would choose to live,
Though he had all other goods………..!
There are three faithful friends : -
an old wife
an old dog
and ready money………..!
A faithful friend is a strong defence,
And he that hath found such a one
Hath found a treasure.
A faithful friend is the medicine of life……!
God, send me a friend,
That will tell me of my faults……….!
A friend is someone who knows all about you,
And loves you just the same………!
The best way to keep friends
Is to never borrow from them
And never lend them anything…..!



There is great beauty in going through life, without anxiety or fear. Half our fears are baseless and the other half discreditable.
The one permanent emotion of the inferior man is fear.
Laws can never be enforced unless fear supports them.
Fear is the proof of a degenerate mind.
Many fears are due to over-reading and knowing too much. At the bottom of most fears both mild and severe, will be found an over active mind and under active body. Fear is the most paralyzing of all emotions.
It can stiffen the muscles and stupefy the mind and the will.



Character is not in the mind, It is in the will.
Character building the task of a life time-demands the richest spiritual materials : faith, courage, humility, integrity, magnanimity, nobility and abnegation.
Wealth, influence, position, power- these are of little value without character. Grandeur of character is moral principal in practice.
The characters that are great, must of necessity be characters that shall be willing, patient and strong to endure for others.
Truthfulness is a corner-stone of character and if it is not firmly laid in youth, there will ever after be a weak spot in the foundation.
Sow an act and reap a habit,
Sow a habit, you reap a character,
Sow a character, you reap a destiny.
All your scholarship would be in vain, if at the same time you do not build your character and attain mastery over your thoughts and action.
A man of character will make himself worthy of any position he is given.
Character development is the great, if not the sole, aim of education.
The crown and glory of life is character. It is noblest possession of man. It exercises a greater power than wealth and secures all the honour without the jealousies of fame.
Character is a perfectly educated will.
Not education, but character, is man’s greatest need man’s greatest safeguard.
Education for its object that is formation of character.


A pound pluck is a worth a ton of luck.
Chance favours the prepared mind.
Luck is a very good word if you put a "P" before it.
I never know an early rising, hard working, prudent man, careful of his earnings, and strictly honest, who complained of bad luck. A good character, good habits, and iron industry are impreguable to the assaults of all the ill lick that fools dreamed of.
shallow men believe in luck, wise and strong men in cause and effect.
luckiest he who knows just when to rise and go home.
diligence is the mother of good luck.
those who mistake their good luck for their merit are inevitably bound for disaster.
ill fortune seldom comes alone.
a little more determination, a little more pluck, a little more work


To believe is to be strong. Doubt cramps energy.
Belief is power.
Faith is like love. It can not be forced. mountain
Faith is GOD at work.
Faith is not a delicate flower which would within
Under the slightest stormy weather. Faith like the
Himalaya mountains, which can not possibly change.
No storm can possibly remove the Himalaya
mountains from their boundaries.
Let faith be thy staff.
That man acquires strength of body and soul and
attains to happiness, whose heart is free from
suspicion and is filled with faith.
Faith is not a delicate flower which would within
Under the slightest stormy weather. Faith like the
Himalaya mountains, which can not possibly change.
No storm can possibly remove the Himalaya
mountains from their boundaries.
Let faith be thy staff.
That man acquires strength of body and soul and
attains to happiness, whose heart is free from
suspicion and is filled with faith.

Thursday 18 September, 2008



I believe that one has to be seventy before one is full of courage.
The young are always half-hearted.

The first forty years of life, give us the text; the next thirty supply
The commentary on it.

Youth is blunder; manhood a struggle; old age a reget.
At twenty, the will reigns;
at thirty, the wit,
at fourty, the judgement
afterwards, proportion of character.
Fourty is the old age of youth;
Fifty is the youth of old age.

The young man who has not wept is a savage, CLICKHERE
And the old man who will not laugh is fool.

The only time you really live to fully is from thirty to fourty.
I agree that the last years of life are the best,

If one is a philosopher.
The whole secret of remaining young, in spite of year,
And even of grey hair is to cherish enthusiasm in one self
By in fewer words, the maintenance of harmony in the soul.



To believe is to be strong. Doubt cramps energy.
Belief is power.

Fait is like love. It can not be forced.

Faith is GOD at work.
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Faith is not a delicate flower which would within
Under the slightest stormy weather.

Faith like the
Himalaya mountains, which can not possibly change.
No storm can possibly remove the Himalaya
mountains from their boundaries.

Let faith be thy staff.
That man acquires strength of body and soul and
attains to happiness, whose heart is free from
suspicion and is filled with faith.

Monday 15 September, 2008


I have always been a quarter of an hour before my time,
And it has made a man of me.

click here

Punctuality is a sign of great men.
Punctuality is the politeness of kings.

click here

I could never think well of a man’s intellectual of moral
Character, he was habitually unfaithful to his appointment.

click here

It is a good rule to be early, so that if you are late you will
be on time. Method is the very hinge of business and there
is no method without punctuality.


Monday, September 15, 2008
A good face is the best letter of recommendation.
As the language of the face is universal, so it is
Comprehensive. It is the short-hand of the mind, and
crowds a great deal in a little room. A man may
look a sentence as soon as he speaks a word.

click here


click here


Peace is dependent upon honesty and
oath is immutable both in this world
and in the other world.
You are already of consequence in the
world if you are known as a man
of strict integrity.

click here

If you can be absolutely relied upon,
If when you say a thing it is so, it is so,
If when you say you will do a thing, you do it,
Then you carry with you a passport to universal esteem....
Humanity is pure honesty.
It is better to be poor than to be dishonest.
Look your door and keep your
neighbour honest. Honesty is like peace
click here
It pays to be honest, but it is slow pay.
Honesty is the best policy, but
he who is governed by that maximum
is not an honest man.
DO not consider anything for your interest
which makes you break your
world, quite your modesty, or
incline you to any practice which will not
bear the light, or look the world in the face.
No legacy is so rich as honesty,
An honest man is the noblest work of GOD.
He that loseth his honesty, has nothing to lose.

Saturday 13 September, 2008


Language is not only the vehicle of thought, it’s a great & efficient instrument of thinking.
Languages are the pedigrees of NATION.
click here

Language has many type
According to me the main important languages are joys & sorrow
whenever you feel alacrious than everything what ever you see, will see you good and whenever you feel in trouble than everything in the world whatever you see, will see you meaningless.
So my dear,
Keep smile and relish the every moment of life.
Because happiness is the medicine of all type of tears.


There is no treasure like Knowledge.
To know one’s ignorance is the best part of Knowledge.

click here

Learn from who is wise, Though a boy So we should make a learner.
Knowledge is power.
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of Knowledge.


Beauti is a gift by nature.
some beautiful being in life have
thorns yet they remains the most loving being.
My love can handle your throwns
& your heart can handle my love.

click here

Thursday 11 September, 2008


Important of "TIME"

TIME : What is TIME ? Everybody knows about it that what is the important of time for us, but many people of the world make the worst use of their time.

click here

If we want to bright our after life, so we should clearly that what is the important of time in our life. Many people’s own work, I think they do not know that what may be done at any time will be done at no time.

click here

I can explain the definition of TIME
According to my views, As every thread of gold is valuable, so we can say that every moment of life is much important. If you want to understand about one second than asked him, who had saved of mishappend by hair’s breadth and along with if you want understand about one tenth part of a second than asked him, who had not achieved the olampic Gold Medel.
If you want to consure TIME then thought him who nuts about money, mean-while is a miser TIME is a great physian coz if you want to maintain the time then you can easily free of illness.
According to my views

click here

Those who make the worst use of their time most complain of it is shortness . This is only their excuse because Those who have most todo, and are willing to work, will find the most time.
Everybody needs to holiday in the world. There is a unique thing in the world that do not need to holiday for relex because of Time takes no holiday along with I want to add my feelings with it.
Make use of TIME if thou loved eternity yesterday can-not recalled, tomorrow can-not be assured, only today which if thou procrastinate, thou lossest and which lost is lost forever one today is worth tomorrow.
I am crazy about punctuality before sometime I had lost a lot of time and now I had learnt much.

click here

So, please its my personal request to you that do not waist this time.becouse there is only unique thing in the world that is TIME, coz TIME will change for the better when you change along with I want to say that killing TIME is not murder it is suicide.
So keep your time

click here

TIME never comes back in a life.


He/She that wants to SUCCESS should be armed
three strong and most essential weapons.

  1. Constant eye.
  2. unlimited Ambition for the Goal.
  3. Unstatisfied zeal of determination for SUCCESS.
  4. The key of success is in own hand.

5. Yes, the real success is the real job

6. We should get a success iff we are much alacious

Wednesday 10 September, 2008

Important of "TIME"

Important of "TIME" TIME : What is TIME ? Everybody knows about it that what is the important of time for us, but many people of the world make the worst use of their time. click here If we want to bright our after life, so we should clearly that what is the important of time in our life. Many people’s own work, I think they do not know that what may be done at any time will be done at no time. click here I can explain the definition of TIME According to my views, As every thread of gold is valuable, so we can say that every moment of life is much important. If you want to understand about one second than asked him, who had saved of mishappend by hair’s breadth and along with if you want understand about one tenth part of a second than asked him, who had not achieved the olampic Gold Medel. If you want to consure TIME then thought him who nuts about money, mean-while is a miser TIME is a great physian coz if you want to maintain the time then you can easily free of illness. According to my views click here Those who make the worst use of their time most complain of it is shortness . This is only their excuse because Those who have most todo, and are willing to work, will find the most time. Everybody needs to holiday in the world. There is a unique thing in the world that do not need to holiday for relex because of Time takes no holiday along with I want to add my feelings with it. Make use of TIME if thou loved eternity yesterday can-not recalled, tomorrow can-not be assured, only today which if thou procrastinate, thou lossest and which lost is lost forever one today is worth tomorrow. I am crazy about punctuality before sometime I had lost a lot of time and now I had learnt much. click here So, please its my personal request to you that do not waist this time.becouse there is only unique thing in the world that is TIME, coz TIME will change for the better when you change along with I want to say that killing TIME is not murder it is suicide. So keep your time click here TIME never comes back in a life.


  • Myself is Relish Kumar.

  • i am P.G from science strem

  • i have good communication skill.